Pub crawl

A pub crawl is a popular activity that involves drinking between different pubs and bars. Individuals choose to do this and will walk to each bar before having a drink. Sometimes individuals will also cycle between bars and it can often be found that groups of people will enjoy pub crawls together. The concept of the pub crawl has been around for many years and is often carried out all over the world for different reasons.
The main function of the pub crawl has always been to offer a reason to create a social gathering and this may be with locals within the town who wish to get together, or may be tourists that want to explore the city that they are visiting.
A pub crawl will often involve going from one pub to the next and will require a drink at each pub. It is a great way in which to visit many pubs in a new city and will be functional as a way in which to try all the local pubs as well.
A pub crawl can also be a good history lesson for the area that you wish to carry out the pub crawl in and will require you to visit many old historic pubs. You will then be able to enjoy the pubs that are available and will be able to experience many enjoyable drinks along the way.
A pub crawl can take place all over the world and are popular in the UK, as well as in other countries such as America and even in India as well. There are many themed pub crawls as well, such as the santa themed pub crawl and this originated in 1994 in San Francisco. This has now spread throughout the world and requires individuals to dress up as Santa, before enjoying the wide range of bars that are available in the town that they are in.